Monday, September 15, 2008

The Relationship Tree

Everyone had a relationship with someone the second they were borned. Mother, father, siblings, auntie or uncle, and the list goes on...

Regardless of any relationship we are in, it takes great effort from both parties to let the relationship grow, or die... Taking a plant as an example, we need to water, loosen its soil (some even believed music helps plant to grow, I had no idea for now though), spraying it pesticide sometimes to ensure the plant grow up big and strong. It takes a mutual combination of how much the plant needs (water, soil, sunshine, etc) as well as how much we gave the plant that determine how well the plant grows.

Overdoing it, such as too much watering might caused the plant to die, using pesticide might caused some plant to die are just some examples of how mutual understanding in meeting the needs of the plant aka relationship determines how it grows.

When a plant grows up big and strong like the coconut tree, it can withstand the strongest of wind. However, a weak plant will only leads to death and decay, and no remedy in the world can heal it. I guess that was the cruel nature of this world, but again, we always have the choice to pick up a new plant and grow it up all over again.

All the best to you my dear friend!

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