Saturday, August 9, 2008

Pathethic people...

Humans are pathetic. Yup, you're not reading a wrongly phrase sentence. And in case you still have doubt, I'm nice enough to repeat that sentence for you, "HUMANS ARE PATHETIC"!

1. We like to associate certain people with certain traits instead of treating them as an unique individual. Races, genders, social status etc. are some example of how we relate a particular person to a certain traits, i.e. the kiasuness and greed of Chinese, lazy Malay, violent Indian, super emo girls, limitless egos in guys..... I don't think I need to go on rite? What I mean is, can we be very sure that every girls are super emo, every Chinese is greedy blah blah blah? NO! Being a certain race or gender doesn't mean we will posses all those traits. As such, why can't we respect, tolerate and accept individual as an unique identity and stop relating people to certain stupid stuff?

Humans are pathetic rite?

2. Selfish assholes. Tell me how many people you met in your life that are not selfish. I guess maybe one in a million, could be lesser but no doubt most people are selfish. It's just the extend of these selfish behavior that separates a person, but again certain people can be real pathetic. E.g. in a relationship, a guy/girl can cheat on their partner and yet they will choose to give some really lame stupid excuses just to cover their back when such cheat is revealed. I mean, why can't these people just admit their mistake since they are the ones who wants to have "double pleasure" and didn't even care the damage that could be inflicted on their partners in terms of psychological or emotional, especially if that person is of low self-esteem.

Humans are really pathetic rite?

3. Full, or fool of themselves. Some people can think they are somewhat of higher standard than others, thus giving them the stupid thinking that they are much superior compared to other people. One best example was seniority in schools or offices, but let's take the example in school. I was discussing this issue with a friend today and we both agreed that some people can be real fools for thinking that they posses greater knowledge, knows more compared to their juniors. And this is what me and my friend observed in our psychology classes, where students are "supposingly" more well aware that the perception of seniority means superiority is totally wrong, yet these people are so full, or fool of themselves and totally ignore their juniors in classes (ya, even when both are in the same class) or in group discussion.

Dang, humans are just pathetic rite?

4. Greedy/power freak bastards. Just look at the power struggle between BN and Anwar and how these people can use so many underhand tactics just to achieve their goals. Worth mentioning was the number of greedy asses in BN that encouraged the corruption practice in our country. Bleh, enough of politics I guess, it's a neverending story of the patheticness in human being...

5. I can list so much more, but I have a life so do the rest of the imagination yourself.

It looked as though I'm frustrated, which I was indeed when I see the negative direction of where everyone is heading. The current society is indeed in plain deep shit, and it takes some great effort to bring changes to it. Life should be much simpler, but it was us who are making things hard for ourselves. Pretty stupid rite? We rape the nature of their resources, and here we got raped back by it via natural disasters etc...

Of cos, great people still exists, and these people are the pure inspiration for me, and hopefully the day can arrive when we can bring changes to the society and make the world a better place to live.

Ah, I have a dream...

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