Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Moody day...

If you're my current classmates, big chance you will be mislead by the title since today was the released of results of last semester. I'm moody, yes, in fact it's bloody moody, but not because of results (I do admit it plays a small part) since most are nearly as what i predicted, but it was because of a call from someone i concerned a lot.

I won't reveal the content of the call, but nonetheless I was really really affected by it, in fact deeply affected. Just wondering why life had to reach such extent at times, why do nice people had to suffer something they don't deserved at all and why (the million dollar word) has this got to happen. Not sure what to say for now, but I can only hope all is well with her...

And to my fellow classmates, whether you did well or not in the exam, please don't feel too down or happy cos our new semester is already here and there won't be much time to grief/celebrate on something that had passed. Let us work harder this semester and get the grades we wanted to fight for HGPA. Gambateh to all!

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