Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Wonders of Life

Many of my friends had been facing with life problems lately. It had been a pretty bad period in the last 2 months since I heard nothing but bad news. All I can do is to wish them all the best and to be there for them and lend all my money and body a listening ear to their problems.

Even though life is full of suffering, it is also filled with many wonders. Good and bad things in life is like fibers in a rope that was braided together. If the black fiber refers to bad luck, then the whiter fiber would represent good luck. As you can see, both luck interchange with one another. As such, even though bad things do happen to everyone, but if we keep believing and be positive in any circumstances, good luck will eventually arrive. Always remember that the rainbow appears after a stormy rain and sun will rise after a night of darkness.

So to all my friends, remember to be optimistic. Life is full of wonders, and it is up to us to search for it. In order to find your own wonders, you must first be able to stand back on your feet after every bad experience.

All the best to all!

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