Saturday, July 5, 2008

For result or learning?

Had a yumcha (drink tea, chatting, kepoh~ing or whatever you want to call) with some secondary classmates earlier (weird rite cos i'm not studying when exam is so near)and we chat alot about of stuff from politics to work, and finally my studies... Most of them seemed suprised when I told them i got a shit load of assignment for completion in a short period of time.

CSK: wah sot meh, got so many meh
Boy: KDU also not that many wor, quite relax except 3rd year thesis
Me : yalo, who says study is easy lol, hardly sleep for few weeks liao
Dai: surely want to do a gd work le, cant lose out to younger ppl rite haha

This chat reminds me of it. Indeed, I can't lose. In fact I hate losing as I stated before in this blog. I always hope to be better than others in those things I participated in; camps, tournaments, clubs and societies or even casual activities or hobbies. But that was at least 3-4 years ago liao. I guess my frenz's heuristic still reminds them of my old self haha.

These days I still receive such comment, but the fact I try to do a good work is not to get result or to be better than others, but rather to improve myself and my work as a way to test how far I can go and improve again. It's more like a continuous learning or improving a work.

Some might say its around the same or even its the same thing, which I beg to differ. Doing something to win is more result oriented, meaning someone would emphasize on the outcome of the result more. On the other hand, continuous improving one's work is more towards the process of doing the job e.g. which part can be improved somemore, is this part good enough etc...

I believed that the latter method or attitude is more important, too many people over emphasize on results which makes them forget something; the process of generating the result! A poor process might almost don't guarantee any result, and even if you had a one hit wonder, you might not be able to be consistent in future work.

Emphasizing on the process allows a person to continue improving their work, for present and future, which helps to retain a good level of consistency as well as continuous improvement due to adaptive learning. This is exactly what I'm trying to do now haha. Nowadays it's more towards competiting with myself rather than others, cos I'm competiting to try to fulfill my own expectation of a good work (usually fail of cos haha which explains why I'm studying now :( ) and learn from it instead of comparing my work with others.

How can we win others if we can't conquer ourselves rite?

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