Sunday, July 27, 2008

Datelines and Projects

Minutes and seconds are ticking away and I have yet to do what I should be doing, my internship projects! Was feeling really lazy lately, wasted time on yumcha-ing (new english word for you) with frenz, surfing net, chatting with frenz, day dreaming, eating, sleeping, bathing, shitting (you and i did that, so dont laugh lol) etc...

I always realized one thing, I can have some really good ideas for many projects of different genres and are able to execute my ideas on my own, but I will start facing problems whenever I work with people. Can't distribute jobs properly, poor management skills, lazy to plan in advance how to workout a plan, and poor tolerance on team members are among my greatest weaknesses when it comes to group work. In fact I told Dr. Goh (my supervisor for internship) that I hope to improve on this weakness of mine, and that was one of the main reason I applied for this internship.

Hopefully I can learn and improve on this weakness over time cos all our work are groupworks that require good team players. I will learn from people beside me, and wish me luck ;)

May the force be with me (Starwars, 198X)! Bleh, as if I needed that :P


Unknown said...

hihi,Benny. Sometimes, i will also faced the same problems as yrs. Likewise, i reali feel tat i lack of management skills on my projects towards my team members. BUT everything will DEFINITELY work well since you hv the C.O.N.D.F.I.D.E.N.C.E.~=D to gain confidence?? Y not looking it at an optimistic view?? U r giving yrself a chance to take up challenge to watever is given to u. Take up this challenge & face it up!! You will definitely learn a lot of things from it right??

Here goes the saying "If you believe you can, you probably can.
If you believe you won't, you most assuredly won't.
Belief is the ignition switch that gets you off the launching pad."
Life Philosophy from Denis Waitley.

Benny Yang said...

haha, the problem with me is not lack of confidence or beliefs. instead, I was too full of those till the extend of underestimating circumstances and stuffs.

i did told a friend once i need to suffer or endure some sort of failure to make myself more humble. but i'm learning it now and i did keep reminding myself the importance of not underestimating things ;)

live is a journey where you learn from those around you and personal experiences rite? that's how we improve and grow as a person.