Monday, July 14, 2008

Ops, Political Idiots "Leaders" Do It Again!

"Blogs contained nothing but lies that could destroy Malaysia!" are some of the most famous quotes by some of our politicians today. You can read their, ahem stupid comments here and here, where our Culture and Heritage Minister Mohd Shafie stated that Blogs and SMSes can destroy a civilization and Tunku Abdul Aziz, a former special adviser to United Nations secretary-general on ethics commented that "most bloggers are lying and their comments are not professional due to lack of qualification".

I do agree that lies can indeed destroy a nation. I guess taking Malaysia as an example is a safe bet, because we've been living under lies and empty promises for so many years. It's not lies from bloggers mind you, but lies from our incapable politicians. Look at how the growth of Malaysia had stagnant for the past many years, look at how lesser and lesser foreign firms are investing in Malaysia (in fact more and more are shutting down their operations in Malaysia), the failure of Goverment Linked Companies like Proton and look at how More and MORE problems are occuring such as higher living costs, political turnmoil, and yes, more stupid politicians giving stupid comments when they are better and fully qualified to apply the position of clowns in circus or entertainers in zoos.

This makes me wonder, do our politicians get bonuses for making some stupid comments, or do BN actually promote those that gives comments deemed most stupid? Mr. Politician, in case you do not know, Malaysian have this organ called BRAIN, which I guess its something you guys lack of. Most of us can think "properly" and "rationalize" what's right and wrong. People don't simply trust a source because we have this simple skill called "analyzing" (again, I guess that's something you politicians lacked of) to analyze the situation and then choose whether to believe it or not.

In case you guys still can't figure out why people turn to online sources like Malaysia Kini or blogs, let me remind you again (I know I'm so nice to waste 5 minutes of my time reminding you, but hey, we bloggers are nice people rite?). People resolved to online resources to get their information because Mainstream Media is pro-government. In case you don't understand (cos it seems you politicians lack of "understanding"), it basically meant that those medias are siding government and mostly reporting the "great deeds" and "lies" from goverment. Dont believe? Please buy a copy of recycle paper like UTUSAN MELAYU and hope you can get what I mean. That, my friend, is what you called LIE. I have yet to name other sources of media like NST cos I'm too lazy to list all out.

Such unrealiable source of news forces the "Rakyat" as how Pak Lah likes to put, to choose another form of media for reference on everyday happening. Which is why they turn to online sources, cos it's only there the "rakyat" can find some (I didn't put ALL cos there are indeed some extremely bias and untrue news) true news that reflects on the current situation in the country.

In case both Mohd Shafie and Tunku Abdul Aziz failed their history before, one of the most important element that brings a civilization together is "communication", which basically means how information is passed from one source to another. Malaysia lacked of this "communication" for many years and what's the result? Malaysia is getting worse from day to day compared to other countries that was once lacking so far from Malaysia e.g. Korea. Even Vietnam is doing so well now...

But it seems you short sighted policians can only put blames on bloggers or online resources and deemed them as lies as they were written by "unqualified" people. I do wonder what was Tunku Abdul Aziz's meaning of "disqualified"? Does he meant lack of certification; position; or intelligence? If position was what he meant, then sorry dude, as you politicians had shown, one's "qualification can be really low even if they are the leaders of the country, the same goes with intelligence. If he meant certificiation, then tell me how many of those in Parliments had a P.H.D or Masters in certain discipline (even if they do, yet at many time their remarks beared similarity with our furry ancestors with those uncivilized language, with the latest news being the Bung Moktar showing rude gesture, duh) before they give some "professional" comments. And I have not mentioned that 2 of the greatest business brain in modern era, Bill Gates (most people knew who he is, oh I forgotten some politician might not due to their ignorance so I will list it out...) the founder of Microsoft and Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple and the mastermind behind the Ipod are actually college dropouts since Bill Gates did not finished his college and Steve Jobs only managed to complete his first year. So dear sir, please tell me, what do you mean by "disqualified". And instead of trying to improve the situation, you, "qualified" politicians choosed to spend hours to script your speech (or maybe some of your scriptwriters again) and give another stupid opinion.

Or maybe you guys realized the situation in Malaysia is too tensed up now, thus you choose to enlighten our hearts by providing some humours by giving stupid comments. If that's the case, I offer my humblest apology...

p/s: By no mean I'm referring most politicians had the brain size of a pea, but most of these Badawi lackeys are making comments without thinking. There are indeed many politicians with good insights, thus my comments doesn't generalize to these people.

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